Yesterday's movie

Say Anything
Ladies, ladies, ladies.... I'm surprised no one got this! Alicia, I thought for sure you'd be all over this one. No matter. John Cusack. I could just end this entry with those two words. He started his movie career decades ago and is still going strong. His co-star in this movie, Ione Skye? Whatever happened to her? I don't think I saw her in any other movie. Googling her produces only pictures of her from this movie. At least she can say she was in one of John Cusack's best movies. I love how John and his sister Joan almost always are in the same movie. I wonder if it's part of his/her contract agreement. I don't know that I'd be so willing to do that with one of my siblings. What if John Cusack and Ione Skye got together for a reunion movie? Is that something you'd go see?
Today's quote:
"I'll bet someone back East is going, 'Now, why don't he write?'"
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