Yesterday's movie:

Rocky IV
Ya know, I heard once that Sylvester Stallone is really quite short and that he got his start through the Rocky movies. He's done some other films, but I can't even think of any of them right now. He'll no doubt go down in history for the Rocky movies. Can you imagine him in a romantic comedy?
Today's quote:
"The Godfather is the I-ching. The Godfather is the sum of all wisdom. The Godfather is the answer to any question. What should I pack for my summer vacation? "Leave the gun, take the cannoli." What day of the week is it? "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday." "
um hello Rambo!! and i know i know this movie, its one i'll kick myself for tomorrow morning.
You've Got Mail!!! I love that movie.
"That is amazing, you can spell "fox"! Can you spell "dog"? F-O-X"
***aol log-on*** You've Got Mail! (sorry on a budget, have to do my own sound effects ;) I *heart* Tom Hanks and hardly ever remember it too. Funny thing is, I have this movie on dvd, but usually only watch it when it's on tv. I love: 1. how it's essentially Sleepless in Seattle 2: Not Sleeping in New York, 2. the Pride & Prejudice references & plot keys, and 3. that it's a remake of The Shop Around The Corner, which is the name of Meg Ryan's book store
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