Saturday, October 22, 2011

(what should have been) Yesterday's Movie:

The Prestige

I loved this movie.  I love Christian Bale.  I love Christian Bale in this movie (and yes, the picture about is Hugh Jackman - another recent favorite of mine).  One thing boggles me though: how did Christian Bale avoid getting British teeth (or, teef, as the case may be)?  Actual British peeps usually have the nastiest teeth.  But if they make it big in Hollywood (Mr. Bale, Hugh Grant, Sean Connery (is he British?  I know he's got a cool accent), those teeth just shape/whiten right up!  And is it just me, or does Christian Bale seem to talk with more saliva in his mouth that anyone else?  Maybe that's what it is about him that I love.  Anyway.... this was one of those movies where when I got to the end, I wanted to watch it again right away and look for clues and figure things out.  I mean, the movie is about magicians!  How can you not want to try to figure out 1)what they're doing but 2) how they're doing it!  Oh, and David Bowie is in this movie too.  He's come a long way since Labyrinth.  But haven't we all?

Today's quote:
"I'm a short, fat slut."

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