Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tuesday's movie:

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

Probably my least favorite Indiana Jones movie. It's not that it's not good or that I don't like it, just that out of the three, it's the one I would pick last. My family watched this one a lot growing up and all I remembered from it was the guy's melting face at the end of the movie. Kind of resembles the guys deteriorating/quickly aging face in the third one. My husband and I recently sat down and watched all 6 Star Wars movies and it's funny to see Harrison Ford so young. He's certainly still young looking in these movies and a lot of fun to watch.

Can you name the movie:
"Ah... well, you know, you go out there and you give a 110%, and you wanna play good, and, you know, you hope you play good... I think we played pretty good tonight!"


N Rabedew said...

Ok - I think I got this one in under the buzzer ;) Is that Bedazzled? If it is, then this locker room scene is one of the funniest in the moive, besides the drug lord scene :D

alifia said...

A League of their own? if so, i love when tom hanks hits the kid in the face with the resin bag and his laugh. so cool.